Silly Silas- soft cotton tights

Posted by on May 12, 2020 in Journal | No Comments

A photo shooting for Silly Silas brand is one of the cutest we have done. A summer version of their soft cotton tights in a combination with light May breeze, a wooden pier, sky blue water and the cutest children’s laughter is a happiness guaranteed. We couldn’t also resist a little boat trip while watching ...

My favorite ride: Zabité

Posted by on Apr 19, 2020 in Journal | No Comments

Ak ťa zaujíma iba moja skúsenosť s cyklistickým oblečením Bioracer, preskoč nasledujúci text a čítaj až posledný odsek. … Bude to už štvrťstoročie, čo som bežne vzal svoju Libertu prerobenú na cestný bicykel s nálepkou Colnago a vybehol na Pezinskú Babu. Len tak pre radosť s tyčinkou Deva v zadnom vrecku, hore som si dal ...

Hľadanie pokladu

Posted by on Mar 18, 2020 in Journal | No Comments

Štyri ročné obdobia sú niečo, prečo sme s Aničkou nezostali na Kanárskych ostrovoch dlhšie ako 2 roky. Žiť na mieste, kde večné leto splýva do bezčasia je na jednej strane lákavé, no nám chýbali tie rytmy, ktoré povzbudzujú vôľu k činu pred uspaním v monotónnosti. Dalo by sa citovať Dana Bártu v jeho skladbe Etnika ...

Neverending youth

Posted by on Jul 6, 2016 in Journal | No Comments

Youth is fragile and free. But if we perceive freedom as a possibility to do anything, it losts its gracility and begins to lose respect at all. I took a picture of young lady Sima. When my little daughter Laura grow up, i would be happy if she will perceive her youth like Sima. Her ...

Easy like a sunday morning

Posted by on Jun 22, 2016 in Journal | No Comments

I am just not an early bird. Truth? I like to sleep a lot. But this morning may have changed it forever 🙂 Alarm rings 5.15am. At 6am my feet was already soaked in cold water. We found hidden stunning place. Sunrise light was fabulous. Maternity session with lovely Lucia and Peter was the best ...

Lady in the city rush

Posted by on Mar 18, 2016 in Journal | No Comments

It,s a beautiful day, weather conditions are finally suitable. We are opening a window in the studio and walking out on to the roof. Right away we are on a cloud, distanced from everyday life. Fascinating silence and at the same time noisy town below us. In a short while, we tune our breath with ...