Silly Silas- soft cotton tights

Posted by on May 12, 2020 in Journal | No Comments

A photo shooting for Silly Silas brand is one of the cutest we have done. A summer version of their soft cotton tights in a combination with light May breeze, a wooden pier, sky blue water and the cutest children’s laughter is a happiness guaranteed. We couldn’t also resist a little boat trip while watching the beautiful sunset. If you miss the sea as much as we do, embark on a little journey to a seaside destination in Slovakia with us 🙂

Fotenie pre značku Silly Silas patrí medzi naše obľúbené. Jemné bavlnené pančušky, tentokrát kraťasky v letnej verzii v kombinácii s májovým vánkom, dreveným mólom, nebesky modrou vodou a detskou prítomnosťou je zaručený liek proti zlej nálade. Nechýbala ani plavba člnom pri západe slnka. Ak vám chýba more tak ako nám, pri troche predstavivosti vás zavedieme do prímorskej destinácie aj na Slovensku. 🙂


Shorty tights : Silly silas

Photography: Anna and Peter

Models: Šimonko a Sonička

Assistants: Laura & Anička & Hanka

Destination: somewhere by the sea in our dreams 🙂